Atal Pension Yojana (APY) provides people with a monthly income when they are no longer earning. The Scheme is for citizens of India, is focused on the unorganized sector workers. Under APY, guaranteed minimum pension of Rs.1,000/- or Rs.2,000/- or Rs.3,000/- or Rs.4,000/- or Rs.5,000/- per month will be given at the age of 60 years depending on the contributions by the subscribers.
Need for Pension:
Decreased Income earning potential with age
The rise of nuclear family – Migration of earning members
Rise in cost of living
Increased longevity
Assured monthly income ensures dignified life in old age
Eligibility Criteria:
Should be a Citizen of India
The age of the subscriber should be between 18years and 40 years (at the time of entry / joining the Scheme)
The subscriber should have a Savings Bank A/c
To know about the contribution to be made and for more: